Beth Gallagher Diary Entry 252

April 23, 2000

Dear Diary
            Today has certainly been an eventful day! So, we’re visiting Grandma in Logan Creek for Easter, right? All my cousins are here and we’ve been having a blast. I think my cousin Leslie and I see each other more often here than we do in Kansas City even though we both live there. Weird, I know. Anyway, one of our favorite things to do is take walks in the woods. We have our own special path down to the creek. The Dogwoods are blooming like crazy and they’re so beautiful! I took all sorts of pictures. Anyway, that’s not what the excitement was about, but it is about Leslie. See, she’s allergic to bee stings and she has to carry an epee pen on her because a sting can actually kill her. We were all out in her uncle’s field this morning - us, our cousins, and some friends, when she stepped in a yellow jacket nest. Everybody else ran screaming. I froze and just stared. I didn’t know what to do. They were flying all around her and she just stood there screaming. Paul, one of our friends, came out of nowhere, scooped her up and ran for the creek with her. If I hadn’t been so scared for Leslie, I would have thought it was the most romantic thing I’d ever seen. Thankfully, he knew how to use her epee pen and how to scrape out the stingers. I ran and got my uncle and by the time we came back Paul was carrying her back across the field. I was never so glad to see a person breathing in all my life! They’re at the hospital with her now, but they called to let us know she’s going to be okay. Whew! What a way to end Spring Break! I can’t wait for them to get back to the house so I can hug her tight. Wait! That’s them pulling into the drive now. Gotta go!

Thankful beyond words,



  1. So, is Leslie okay? And this Paul - what a guy! These little peeks into Beth's life are great. Looking forward to her story.

    1. Thanks, Angela! Leslie and Paul are actually the heroine and hero of the first novel I wrote. "Coming Home" is safely tucked away in the drawer until I can pull her out and rewrite her. It's saturated with telling. Great story, but needs lot's of work. Leslie just happens to be Beth's cousin. Yes, Leslie is okay, and Paul IS quite a guy! :D

      I'm so glad you're looking forward to "Finding Beth"! Thank you for taking time to come by, read, and comment! :D

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  3. Um, swoon. I love Paul too. I'm glad to hear he's one of the heroes in the book. I'm loving this set up!

    1. Actually, he's a hero in another book that won't be published for a while. Sorry, Katie! But, yes. You will absolutely love Paul when he makes his debut! :D Beth wrote this entry at the age of 13. I'm trying to create a sense of who she is and the things in her life that shape and mold her into the woman we find in "Finding Beth". I have some pretty intense entries coming later on. This one gives you a glimpse of her romantic heart. :)

  4. So very interesting. Can't wait to add this book to our school library, get copies for my grandkids, etc.--and of course read it myself!!!!


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Linnette R Mullin