Author Interview tonight: a chronically ill award-winning author, a working single mom, and a college student...
On "Speak UP!" with Scott McCausey of Tuesday, March 28th at 6:00 p.m. Eastern time/5:00 p.m. Central time, Linnette R Mullin - author of life-changing romance and the award-winning novel "Finding Beth," will be interviewed on blog-talk radio! God is doing some amazing things in our resident author's life, so tune in for the interview tonight.
If you can't listen to the live broadcast, no worries! The link will remain up for you to listen at your leisure. Either way, tune in! You're not going to want to miss it! Linnette talks a bit about her childhood, teen years, early adulthood and what led her to where she is now - a chronically ill award-winning author, a working single mom, and a college student. (Click here.)
Leave a comment here or on her Facebook wall telling what you found most interesting about her interview and your name will be entered into a drawing for a bookmark and an autographed copy of "Finding Beth." Please be sure to leave your email address, as well, in case you win!
Linnette R Mullin
Author of Life-changing Romance
Award-winning novel, "Finding Beth"
Freelance Writer
Mother of four amazing sons!
College Student
and more.....
nice post