My Second Writing Assignment!!!

Dear Beth,

Can you believe I'm back in school? It still feels a bit surreal. I'm enjoying my classes so far. My first English class is writing composition 101. I didn't expect this to be so much fun. I'm familiar with a lot of the lingo, so I don't feel completely lost. Yet there are also many things I'm picking up, holes that will be filled by the end of the semester. I can see how this class will stretch me, grow me as a writer and that is very exciting! In my first assignment I had to post a picture about what my reading/writing life looks like now. In the second assignment I'm supposed to post a picture of my reading/writing "then". This is so much fun! We'll see if I'm still saying that when it comes to my major writing assignment! 

Yours Truly

Linnette aka CollegeGirl 

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Linnette R Mullin