Beth's Title Series

I'm trying to finish up my book proposal for "Finding Beth" and need a little help from my readers. I've been informed that the series title, "When Love Leads You Home" sounds too Jeanette Oke and doesn't fit. SO! I need some input.

How do these sound:
"A Time to Heal"
"Dare to Love"
"Love that Heals"
"True Love Conquers"

If you have any other suggestions, let me have it! Keep in mind that my book titles are two words: Finding Beth; Loving Tiffany. So, it would be best to have more than two words in the series title in order to keep from confusing the reader. I need to come up with a good fit by December 30th at midnight. I look forward to hearing from you!


  1. Will they be in one town/state or how will they be connected?

  2. They'll be connected by friendships if you mean the books. The common theme will be dealing with overcoming abusive relationships.

  3. I posted a few suggestions on FB. I just wanted to say Congrats on the Lovely Blog Award! I finally got my blog Networked to FB & Twitter. So... hope to begin blogging more now.
    Pray that you are Inspired to Know the Title God already Knows & Pray that it will be a Best Seller Series!!
    Love Ya! Susie Cantrell :)

  4. Hey Linnette,

    I actually like "When Love Leads" or "Where Love Leads" myself. :)

    Great newsletter, my friend!


  5. Thanks, Julie!!! And thanks so much for stopping by. Glad you enjoyed it. :D

    Hugs, Linnette


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Linnette R Mullin