Happy Thanksgiving

We live in very trying times. Yet, here at Thanksgiving I am encouraged by the many people giving thanks to God for His blessings in spite of the hardships faced as individuals, families, and communities.

I thank God for His abundant love and the grace He provides to see me through all the difficult places. I'm thankful for my loving and supportive husband; four of the best sons a mother could ask for; the love and support of my parents, brothers and their families; my extended family and dear friends; my church family; my time in South Carolina and First Presbyterian Church; employment for my husband and medical insurance; our wonderful doctor who goes beyond what many doctors today would consider the call of duty; my Lyme support group; my faithful readers; the opportunities God has given me to write; my writer's network and all the contacts I have gained over the years; my home; my computer; and so much more!

I would love to here from you. In fact, let me know what you are thankful for by leaving a comment. If I get twenty or more comments on this post in the next seven days, I'll enter each name into a drawing and name a fictional character in "Finding Beth" after the winner. Just click the comment button and enter your thanksgiving into the comment box. If you don't have a blogger account, simply type your name with your comment inside the box and click "anonymous," then click "submit." I'll announce the winner in my next post. Let's see how many comments we can get!

Until then, may the Lord bless you and yours with a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I'm thankful for my husband, my family, and my friends. Being away from home for a month reminded me how blessed I am to have such support from home. I'm thankful for my new guide dog, and for all the years of service Rufus gave me. I'm thankful that the dogs seem to be getting along well and that Rufus is relishing retirement. Most of all, I'm thankful that God never leaves us or forsakes us, even in the hard times.

  2. I'm thankful for my boyfriend, family, friends, and tons more!

  3. I'm thankful that we have a home to live in and food in the cupboards and fridge.

  4. I am thankful for you, Linnette, a friend in far off places that has such a huge heart. I am thankful for my husband and our four children, our house that we call our home, my parents, and his. I am thankful for a life in Christ that makes every day worth living. I am thankful for the words God gives me to write and the spunk to share them. thank you for reading, Lisa Jayne

  5. I am thankful to the Lord for great friends like John and Linnette and the witness they have been in displaying the glory of the Lord in their lives.

  6. When I stop to consider all I have to be grateful for, I can't help but get teary-eyed. We are all immeasurably blessed, but so many times I get involved in day to day activities and never take time to appreciate all that God has blessed me with.

    So thanks, Linnette, for the opportunity to pause and say how grateful I am for family, friends, food and shelter, but especially for the One who gives these gifts and the One whose death made my life possible.

    Blessings to you and yours, friend.

    Happy Thanksgiving,

  7. I am thankful to our Heavenly Father for all that He provides, which is so, so much! He has blessed me with a wonderful husband and a loving, caring family for which I am extremely grateful.

    Aunt Linda

  8. "Enter His gates with Thanksgiving"

    For the last month, I have stated daily something I am thankful for. The more I did that, the more thankful I began to feel. So many blessings! At the top of my list is God the Father for loving me! For my Lord and Savior, Jesus - the blood He shed for me. He is my Friend! And the sweet Holy Spirit for being my constant companion, leading me in the paths I should take, teaching me and consoling me. And if all this wasn't enough, God's provisions for me in everything!

    I'm so thankful for my life companion and friend - my husband. For my children, granchildren - what a blessing they are! Also, for my Church family and last but not least my Friends thru the years. I'm thankful for all these things,yet... it all goes back to GOD the Father who loves me.

    "...and enter His courts with PRAISE!"

    Joyce Scaggs

  9. I am thankful that the Lord is faithful - the same yesterday, today and forever.

  10. I'm so thankful that I have a chance to be in "Finding Beth". - Larry Manemann.

  11. I'm thankful that Larry has at best only a one in twenty chance of getting in the book, if he did I would never be able to live with him. - Phyllis Manemann

  12. I'm thankful for so much I can't finish a list. But I am thankful for living in San Diego, for my salvation, my hubby, and the other blessings I don't deserve.

    It's me Stacey, it wouldn't let me use my LJ ID again.

  13. I'm thankful for the encouragement of having Christain friends who faithfully pray for me.

    Julie A

  14. I am thankful that David and I are retired and have more time to enjoy the days we are given and the Lord who made them.
    Carolyn Hamilton

  15. This has been so much fun! Thanks to each of you for participating. I would be thrilled to put any of your names in my book! I hope to do more of this type of thing in the future.



  16. I have so much to be thankful for it would take me forever to name them. So, I'll just name a handful.

    I am thankful for my salvation and that many of my family are saved and we are close. I am thankful for the Bible and that God loves me and actually wants to fellowship with me and lives within me. How amazing is that?!

    I am thankful for my wonderful, incredibly supportive husband and loved ones. I am thankful for my wonderful son, my dil, and my adorable grandson (who's 15 mos now).

    I am thankful for a LLMD and that she is only 15 mins. from me. I am thankful for ins., even though my LLMD doesn't take it.

    I am thankful for the many, many answers to my prayers.



Thanks for stopping by and chatting with me! I hope you enjoyed your time here and will come visit me again! :D

Linnette R Mullin