Changes Coming My Way!

Newly planted tree left behind...
When God moved me a thousand miles from home last summer, I had no ideal what changes he would bring my way. There are so many things I left behind, family and friends being among the  most important of those things. 

One category of friends is my writer's network. I joined HACWN - Heart of America Christian Writer's Network about six years ago. I gained so many mentors and made so many friends. Moving away from HACWN was like moving away from family. They are my writing family and I cherish the relationships and memories I made. God bless each of you. I love you all SO much!

Good-bye QT!
Knowing how important it is to have a writer's network, I immediately starting searching for writers in my area. I kept running into a brick wall. Then, I found Seekerville on-line and they became my cyber writer's family. As I settled in my new community and took care of sick kids and husband through the winter months, I stayed in touch with this wonderful group of writers and chugged along on the road to finishing my manuscript, preparing and sending out my book proposal, and working revisions in my novel. (Revisions which I'm still working on, by the way.)

On The Road Again...
Then, one day a friend from church said, "Did you know that s0-n-so is a writer?" 
My heart started pumping faster. "Really? What does she write?"
"She has a couple novels written and an agent who is working with her."
"Really? I had no idea!"

Needless to say, I got in touch with this friend ASAP! We decided to meet when she would be on my side of town. Due to winter illnesses, we've managed one meeting so far. But, hey! We're working on it, right?

Can't Get Spanish Moss
in Missouri!
Then, another writer asked to connect with me on LinkedIN. I started to ignore the request. I mean, I'm rarely ever on that site and have often thought about deleting my account. But then I noticed where she was from. Oh. My. Goodness! She's LOCAL!!! We immediately connected, chatted, and got together for lunch.

To make a long story a tad shorter, somehow (I'm don't even remember how) the subject of forming a writer's group came up. Both ladies were all for it. In fact, my friend from church had a friend she thought would be interested, too. So, I emailed her. She was ecstatic! She had just been reading about how important it is as a writer to have a writer's group to help  hone your skills. This was an answer to prayer for her. And get this! She even knows of a couple other ladies who might be interested in joining us.

God is SO good! 

Strange Little Flower
In My Yard.

April 9, 2011, the first official meeting of CCWN - Cola Christian Writer's Network will be held! 

Why Cola instead of Columbia? Cola is a local nick-name for Columbia and since there are a gazillion Columbia's in the world I thought using "Cola" would help set it apart, make it our own, and be creatively fun.

Only God knows where this will lead, but I pray he is and will use me to be a blessing to all those lonely Christian writers and writer-want-to-be's in my new hometown area. 

Mom and Dad posing
with General Wade Hampton,
my forefather.
Never fear! I'm still working steadily on my revisions of "Finding Beth." My goal is to be finished and ready to send the manuscript back to the agent by the first of May. I've been forewarned that the publishing process is exceedingly slow for most first-time authors. But, what fun I'm having in the meantime uniting local writers! I pray the Lord will bless our group and grow us as he sees fit. Solo Deo gloria!

In His ocean of grace,


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Linnette R Mullin