Writing News

I am happy to announce that I have had two articles published in "Public Health Alert." PHA is a non-profit, nationally distributed and on-line newspaper for those who are chronically ill - specifically, Lyme patients and their families. God has opened the door for me to minister to others by bringing them the encouragement He gives to me. I write for the "Faith Factor" section of the paper. I have articles in the May and June issues and another coming out in the July issue. Pray for me as I write for August. The link is www.publichealthalert.org for those interested.

I also had a devotional published on-line for "More Than You Imagine" - a ladies on-line magazine for encouraging women in their faith. You can find the May devo at: www.morethanyouimagine.org/Devotion068000241devotion.htm. Though I haven't had time to write any more devotionals, the ladies have graciously invited me to submit devos any time. This was very encouraging news.

I do miss my writer's group - HACWN. I've learned so much from them. I'm hoping I will always be a part of their family in some way, even if I do move to South Carolina permanently.

Remember to look for my next article in Public Health Alert!

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Linnette R Mullin